Thursday, January 5, 2017

Top Ten Blog Hop Winner

Hello and Happy 2017!  I apologize that I'm announcing my blog hop winner so late!  I unexpectantly  spent last weekend in the hospital. Not the way I wanted to spend New Years but things happen! We were supposed to travel to Louisville for a wedding but ended up in our pajamas at 5pm. My hubby made pancakes for dinner and we watched a few episodes of Parenthood on Netflix (our current binge). 

The winner of the Gift Certificate is Janet Zeppa!  Janet, I emailed you but in case you didn't receive it please email me at

I'm currently working on CHA projects but will be back to blogging asap.  :)
Have a great night!


  1. Congrats to Janet, and yikes, so sorry to hear about your hospital stay Jen. Hope you're much better and that 2017 is a healthier one.
